
Index alphabétique : A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|Y|Z

Budé E. de

Budé, E. de, Vie de François Turrettini (Lausanne 1871).

Buess H.

Buess, H., « Théophile Bonet », Gesnerus, 8 (1951), p.32-52.

Bugg J.L.

Bugg, J.L., jr, « The French huguenot frontier settlement of Manakin town », The Virginia Magazine of history and biography, 61 (1953), p.359-392.

Buick Knox R.

Buick Knox, R., James Ussher, archbishop of Armagh (Cardiff 1967).

Bujanda J.M. de

Bujanda, J.M. de, Index librorum prohibitorum (Montréal, Genève 2002).

Bulgarelli T. et S. Bulgarelli

Bulgarelli, T. et S. Bulgarelli, Il giornalismo a Roma nel Seicento. Avvisi a stampa e periodici italiani conservati nelle biblioteche romane (Roma 1988).

Bunge W. van

Bunge, W. van, From Stevin to Spinoza. An essay on philosophy in the seventeenth-century Dutch Republic (Leiden 2001).

Bunge W. van

Bunge, W. van, « Eric Walten (1663-1697). An early Enlightenment radical in the Dutch Republic », in W. van Bunge and W. Klever (dir.) Disguised and Overt Spinozism around 1700 (Leiden 1996), p. 41-54.

Bunge W. van

Bunge, W. van, and W. Klever (dir.) Disguised and Overt Spinozism around 1700 (Leiden 1996).

Bunge W. van (et al.

Bunge, W. van (et al., dir.), The Dictionary of seventeenth and eighteenth-century dutch philosophers (Bristol 2003).

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