
Index alphabétique : A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|Y|Z

Iberville Charles François d’

Iberville, Charles François d’, Correspondance, 1688-1690, éd. L. Vial-Bergon (Genève 2003).

Idel M.

Idel, M., « Kabbalah, Platonism and prisca theologia : the case of Menasseh ben Israel », in Menasseh ben Israel and his world, éd. Y. Kaplan, H. Méchoulan et R.H. Popkin (Leiden, etc. 1989), p.207-219.

Inwood S.

Inwood, S., The Man who knew too much. The strange and inventive life of Robert Hooke, 1635-1703 (London 2002).

Israel J. I.

Israel, J. I., Radical Enlightenment. Philosophy and the making of modernity, 1650-1750 (Oxford 2001) ; trad. fr. : Les Lumières radicales. La philosophie, Spinoza et la naissance de la modernité (1650-1750) (Paris 2005).

Israel J.I.

Israel, J.I., The Dutch Republic. Its rise, greatness and fall (1477-1806) (Oxford 1995).

Israel J.I.

Israel, J.I., « Propaganda in the making of the Glorious Revolution », in Across the narrow seas. Studies in the history and bibliography of Britain and the Low Countries presented to A.E.C. Simoni, dir. S. Roach (London 1991), p.167-177

Israel J.I.

Israel, J.I., « The Dutch role in the Glorious Revolution », in J.I. Israel (dir.), The Anglo-Dutch Moment. Essays on the Glorious Revolution and its world impact (Cambridge 1991), p.105-162.

Israel J.I. (dir.)

Israel, J.I. (dir.), The Anglo-Dutch Moment. Essays on the Glorious Revolution and its world impact (Cambridge 1991, 2003).

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